
JCas - JDBC Database Authorization

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Database Authorization is the main reason why JCas and its related projects exist. This article describes the various features that are available with JCas to authenticate and authorize users against databases.

JCas provides two mechanisms:

Both mechanisms can be enhanced by Extended Authorization. The following sections will discuss all features of the JDBC mechanisms in JCas.

Regardless what kind of mechanism is used, configuration is made in two steps:

  1. Definition of database instances
  2. Definition of JDBC schemes

Definition of database instances

JCas separates scheme and instance definition due to fact that multiple schemes might use the same database instance. By separating these two parts, configuration is made easier.

Instances are defined in one single Instances block, each of it being defined in a single Instance tag inside:

            <!-- 1st instance definition -->
            <!-- 2nd instance definition -->
            <!-- 3rd instance definition -->
Each instance defines the JDBC driver it is using and the JDBC resource path to be used. Additional definitions must be made depending on the type of authorization mechanism being used. Instance name, driver and path are defined as follows:
            <!-- instance definition -->
Instance names are logical names of database instances that do not necessarily match the instance names within the database system. Merely, they are JCas-internal identifiers for later use in scheme definitions (see below).

Driver is the Java class name of the JDBC driver that is able to access the database. Please notice that the driver must be accessible by the JVM via CLASSPATH.

Path usually corresponds somehow to the driver since it is defined by the JDBC implementation. Please refer to your driver's documentation. Path definitions can contain variables for username ($uid$) and password ($pwd$) to be replaced by actual values when JCas is connecting to the database.

For information about additional definitions to be made when using a specific authorization mechanism, please refer to the following sections.

Definition of JDBC schemes

JDBC schemes must contain links to the appropriate database instances that are being used. Additionally they must contain a special definition for the appropriate authorization mechanism (see sections below).
            <!-- instance definition -->
Next sections will discuss the special configuration definitions that need to be added to the tags introduced when using special authorization schemes.

System Authorization

System Authorization mechanism makes use of the native authorization features a database system provides. JCas will try to connect to a specified database instance using username and password provided by a CAS client. If the database refuses the connection, JCas will return an error code indicating a failed login.

System Authorization is used for a specific scheme if a <SystemAuthorization> tag is present within the <Scheme> tag:

JCas needs three configuration information to successfully authorize users using System Authorization mechanism:
  • SELECT statement to retrieve active user roles from database
  • Name of Administrator role
  • Name of active user role required (optional)

SELECT statement to retrieve active user roles from database

This information is required to enable JCas to query information about active roles of the user to be authorized. A SELECT statement must be given and it should return all of the active roles.

    TODO: other databases
The statements are given in the <RoleSelect> tag within the <Instance> definition:
        <RoleSelect>SELECT ROLE FROM SESSION_ROLES</RoleSelect>

Name of Administrator role

Database Administrators (DBA) are authorized automatically. JCas will need the specific user role of the database instance. Usually, they are named DBA. The role is given in the <AdminRole> tag within the <Instance> definition:

Name of active user role required

After JCas successfully authenticated a user against a JDBC source, it provides an optional check of a specific active user role. If the scheme definition contains such a role, the server will check if the role of the specific user is active and authorize her based on this information. If the role is missing then JCas will return an error indicating failed authorization.

Required user roles are defined in the <SystemAuthorization> tag within a scheme definition:

If multiple roles are defined, all of these roles must be active to successfully authorize a specific user. If no role is given, JCas will not check for any active role. Nevertheless you need to include an empty <SystemAuthorization> tag.

Customized Authorization

In a Customized Authorization mechanism, users are authenticated using a specific database table (by default: JCAS_USER_TABLE). The table contains all permitted users and their passwords.

Before making use of this mechanism, JCas needs login information for the database instance to access the user table. This information is given in the <User> and <Password> tags within the instance definitions:

The <Scheme> tag must include a <CustomAuthorization> tag to switch on this kind of mechanism. By default, JCas will use the columns UID and PWD of the JCAS_USER_TABLE database table. These names can be changed by including the appropriate configuration tags:
Not all of these tags must be present. If you are fine with the default names, leave the <CustomAuthorization> tag empty.

Extended Authorization

Additional authorization can be performed optionally after authentication was performed successfully. There are two types of Extended AUthorization:
  • Execution of a user defined database function
  • Execution of a user defined SQL query
Both types expect certain return values that tell if authorization was successful or not.

Execution of a user defined database function

Some database vendors, such as Oracle, allow users to program their own functions using a specific database language (PL/SQL, Java, etc.). If you need to perform a specific authorization not covered by standard mechanism described above, then you can implement this requirements in such a user-defined function. JCas will execute the function and evaluate its return code. However, the function must fulfill some interface conditions:
  1. It must take a single argument, a string containing the username to be authorized.
  2. It must return a string.
  3. Following return values indicate successful authorization:
    • Y
    • YES
    • 1
    • TRUE
    • J
    • JA
To enable JCas to execute a function on a specific database, you first need to specify a so called "dummy table". This table is used to query a single row containing the result of the function. Let's have a look at an example:
    To authorize user FRED it is necessary to call a function named MY_AUTHORIZATION(UID VARCHAR). JCas will issue the following SQL Query:

The dummy table MUST contain a single row. It can contain more rows but JCas will query the first one only. A side-effect of having more than one rows in the dummy table would be decreased efficiency since databases will compute the function's result for each single row.

Some database vendors have such a dummy table built in, e.g. Oracle named it DUAL. However, you can use your own table if you like but you need to specify it in the <Instance> definition:

Now you're ready to configure the function call. Here is an example of an extended authorization by a user-defined function:
If multiple functions are defined then all functions must accept the user and return an accepted return value (see above).

The set of accepted return values can be changed by including <ReturnValue> tags, replacing the default set:

        <!-- This tag will allow "Accepted" only -->
Multiple <ReturnValue> tags are permitted.

Execution of a user defined SQL query

If you need to query additional tables to authorize users, you can do so by defining queries within the <ExtendedAuthorization> tag:
                <Select>SELECT 'Y' FROM my_users WHERE userid='$uid$' AND scheme='$scheme$'</Select>
You can use placeholders to use user ID and scheme information within your query.

You can change the set of accepted return values for your query by including <ReturnValue> tags as described in the previous section.