
JCas - Setup

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JCas User Guide

        First CAS server
        Access Control
        JDBC Database Authorization
        JAAS User Authorization
        SSL Setup
        JSP Taglib
        JCas Client
        JLL - JAAS Login Library


        Release Notes
        JCas Configuration
        Help Forum

JCas Developers

        API Javadocs
        CAS Specification


Currently there is no installer or Windows NT/2k/XP service. Here is what you do to get JCas running on your machine:
  1. Download and install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or higher from
  2. Download the jcas.jar file to your machine.
  3. Copy the jcas.jar file in a separate directory, e.g. C:\jcas.
  4. Create a XML configuration file jcas.xml in the same directory
  5. Create a startup.bat file in the same directory. Edit the file (path names may vary):

      |                                                                      |
      | JRE_HOME=C:\j2sdk1.4.2                                               |
      | CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\jcas\jcas.jar                               |
      | %JRE_HOME%\bin\java -cp %CLASSPATH% cas.JCasServer C:\jcas\jcas.xml  |
      |                                                                      |
    Please note that you need to extend the CLASSPATH variable with the appropriate drivers for your specific authorization menthods.
  6. Start the startup.bat file by double-clicking on it.

Unix Daemon

Unix daemon setup differs slightly from Windows setup, but the steps are basically the same:
  1. Download and install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or higher from
  2. Download the jcas.jar file to your machine.
  3. Copy the jcas.jar file in a separate directory, e.g. /usr/local/jcas.
  4. Create a XML configuration file jcas.xml in the same directory
  5. Create a startup file in the same directory. Edit the file (path names may vary):

      |                                                                            |
      | JRE_HOME=/usr                                                              |
      | CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/local/jcas/jcas.jar                              |
      | $JRE_HOME/bin/java -cp $CLASSPATH cas.JCasServer /usr/local/jcas/jcas.xml  |
      |                                                                            |
    Please note that you need to extend the CLASSPATH variable with the appropriate drivers for your specific authorization menthods.
  6. Change the permission setting of startup file to enable execution.
  7. Start JCas server by executing the startup command.